自古真情留不住,从来套路夺人心。今天 iLC 托福小助手 给大家分享的是在托福听力材料中的八大常见套路。对于这些多次出现的套路式内容,大家要做到心中有数。如果在考试中遇到类似的花招,相信大家就能很简单的解决啦。
在托福听力对话中,老师和学生之间对话比较多。其中,好学生不是我们传统印象中的成绩好,而一定是态度好的学生,这样的学生会听取老师的建议,根据老师给的design plan/proposal 认真完成论文。若是老师让其重新修改,好学生也会在问的同时仔细修改,永远会朝着老师的建议方向前进。
所以,在对话中考生对于老师提供的建议一定要注意,例如老师说You should/ I think/Why not 句子是就要竖起耳朵,因为很有可能这就是为什么学生会去找老师的原因。就算是那些因为想要更换 topic 或是换班而去找老师的学生,最终也会听从老师的建议,然后以类似“It is ok. I really appreciate your help.”回复老师。要是此处重听题考察学生对老师的态度,一般答案都会是grateful。
<举例说明> TPO 34:Discuss Welty’s Writing Style
Professor: Well, in fact, I’d hoped you’d see that. Of course, there are many levels to the story. But what I really wanted the class to take away from it was that you don’t need to write about the great exciting world when you write you stories. Even writing about a memory can work.
Student: Like I could write about one of the times I took a walk in the woods when I was a kid.
Professor: Exactly! You know, as the due day of your stories approaches, I am hearing from a lot of students that they are worried because they don’t have anything exciting enough to write about. But Welty said in the interview we listened to and in her autobiography that her worst stories were the ones where she tried to write about people or places that were unfamiliar to her. That’s why a lot of her stories are set in Mississippi, where she is from. Welty stressed that, for her anyway, familiarity with her subject matter was the key to a successful story.
对话中,学生一般会询问老师关于论文题目的问题,然后老师会好奇学生选择该题目的灵感来源,甚至还会问学生是否和作业要求一致,是否选择的题目范围太过于广泛,若是存在题目过于宽泛的问题,老师会帮助学生给出文章的聚焦点(focus)或删减建议(narrow it down)的建议。
<举例说明> TPO 28 Organization of A Paper
Professor:That’s okay. Don’t worry about it. David. So let’s get started. Your paper on John Dewey’s political philosophy has a few issues I’d like to cover. You gave a great biographical sketch in the beginning. Okay.
But then as you get into his political philosophy, I don’t think you’ve done enough to situate his philosophy within the time period. In other words, you haven’t connected Dewey’s philosophy to the thinking of other intellectuals of the time.
Student:So I haven’t captured the most critical influences, the influences that were most significant to his political thinking?
Professor:Exactly. OK. Now, look back up at the section here, where you wrote about Dewey’s view of individuality. This is all good content. But you haven’t presented the information in a systematic way. I really think this portion on individuality needs to come later, after your paragraphs on Dewey’s intellectual influences.
<举例说明> TPO 48 Advice On Polish Class
Professor: Well, you'd have to have some knowledge of it. By that level, a lot of students are quite fluent, plus there're some native speakers in the department. And we don't plan for it to happen, but it's pretty common for the discussions to kind of move in and out of English and Polish and it can be difficult to follow. So, how well do you speak Polish?
Student: Hmm, not so great. It's just that my father's from there. So I’m interested in learning about...You know, Polish history, Polish culture, plus I’m studying drama. I’ll probably major in it. I love plays.So I thought your course might be perfect.
Professor: Hmm, to be honest with you, you have to realize that we'll be watching videos of performances. And maybe if we can swing it, even watch a live performance and those won't necessarily be in translation. Also, texts, texts are sometimes available in translation. But even then some references will be to the original. I’d hope you'd be fairly confident in reading.
<举例说明> TPO 49 Extension For Paper
Student: Yeah. No. It's not the subject I'm having trouble with. Actually the paper is practically writing itself. I mean, I have got a lot to say and it's going pretty well. The thing is, I have this idea that might make it better and I was wondering if there's any way I could get an extension. I mean, I know it's due next week. Right?
Professor: That's right. On Monday. But I don't understand. It sounds like you are doing so well. Why do you need more time?
Student: Yeah. Well, I could write the paper as it is and turn it in on time and it would be fine.
<举例说明> TPO 16 Reschedule For A Test
Student I’m not sure yet. Well, the reason, the main reason I wanted to go is that we’ll be rooming with French speaking Students there, you know, so we can get a chance to use our French, to actually talk with real French speakers. Professor It sounds like a great opportunity. But then, there is the test… Student Yeah... but.. well, the thing is the bus leaves right in the middle of when our history class meets this Friday. So, well, I was thinking maybe I could take the test on a different day like Monday morning during your office hours? Professor Eh...Monday morning...um...that would not be...oh wait, let me just see one thing. Aha, okay. That’s what I thought. So, for your class, I was planning a take-home exam so you could just take the test along with you. Let’s see, I guess you could come to class Friday just to pick up the test. That way you’d still make your bus, and then find some quiet time during your trip to complete it and you can bring it to class Wednesday when I’ll be collecting everyone else’s.
学生:我还不确定。嗯,我想去的原因,主要是因为我们要和讲法语的学生一起住,你知道,这样我们才能有机会使用法语,和真正的讲法语的人交谈。 教授 听起来是个好机会。但是,还有一个测试… 学生 是啊, 但是…好吧,问题是这辆巴士正好在本周五历史课的中间时间开出。所以,好吧,我在想也许我可以在不同的一天参加考试,像周一早上在你的办公时间? 教授 我就是这么想的。所以,对于你的班级,我计划了一个带回家的考试,这样你就可以和你一起参加考试了。让我看看,我想你星期五可以来上课只是为了考试。这样你还是可以坐公共汽车,然后在旅途中找个安静的时间来完成它,星期三我去接其他人的时候,你可以把它带到课堂上。

以上就是今天给大家分享的托福听力隐藏的套路,若想知道更多托福套路的同学,千万不能错过后半篇的文章唷! iLC托福小助手 会天天给同学更新海外留学考试常见的问题以及准备技巧,有兴趣的同学除了可以关注我们的频道,也可以直接预约免费咨询唷!
若根据这些做题技巧进行充分练习后,仍然还有一些疑虑或是其他困境,欢迎谘询iLC Boston 学习中心。iLC Boston致力于帮助学生进行海外求学规划,除了有专业的谘询团队之外,更有许多哈佛名师提供考试教材以及考试教学,欢迎有兴趣的同学关注iLC Boston 相关平台,我们会即时更新美国升学以及相关语言考试资讯!
想了解托福口语的题型介绍吗?那你一定不能错过: 托福口語考试流程及题型介绍
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