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高效托福口语准备技巧 - 如何自我训练托福口语?

Writer's picture: iLC BostoniLC Boston






  1. 好段子,写出来:由于自身情况和需求的限制(非母语,无积累,短期提分),建议大家写出段子,修改后进行背诵记忆。

  2. 独立类任务的重复话题可以规避:由于托福口语独立任务(TASK1 TASK2)的话题经常会出现重复,同学们在遇到新题中包含以往话题时,可以选择复制粘贴过往文段,或简要记录如何修改过往文段,嵌入新题。

  3. 中文思路认真写,英文翻译好好翻:中文思路是很多人习惯性拒绝的一个步骤。但若中文需求不明确,翻译出来的英文句子就会混乱。同时在后期升级英文语言表达时,有对照中文可以让英文升级有据可查,有针对性。

  4. 限时录音:将自己的答题录音尽可能压缩在 48 秒以内。这也是对于考试要求的尊重


Which do you prefer: Deciding on your major before entering college or after a year?


A 中文思路

  • 观点:先什么课都上上,过了第一年再选。

  • 理由1:一些非专业性的课我觉得很有必要,比如批判性思维、学术写作等。我只是听别人说这些技能很重要,可是自己不精通。我需要指导。

  • 理由2:我先都试试才能知道自己的兴趣。比如说,我要是喜欢设计,可要是发觉自己数学不行,艺术造诣也不够,那我就选更适合自己的,比如市场营销。

B 英文翻译

  • 观点:To talk about this topic, I would like say I want to go class first and decided my major one year after.

  • 理由1:First of all, I fancy some not profession lessons important to me. For example, critical thinking or academic writing. I hear my friends talking this lessons but I not good at it. I want somebody teach me.

  • 理由2:What's more, I like try to know my interest first. For instance, I am fond of painting but no good at math,my art is also poor. I will tell myself a more comfortable major like market sales.





  1. 逻辑思路 :若发现跑题,请重新审题并论证;若理由使用不当,请考虑优化或更换理由

  2. 语言表达 :这是升级的核心任务,需要自己对中文需求详尽评估,如果需要帮助,请求助朋友、同学、老师

  3. 语音:在升级逻辑、语言的阶段,不需要录音



Which do you prefer: Deciding on your major before entering college or after a year?

A 中文思路


  • 观点:先什么课都上上,过了第一年再选

  • 理由 1 架构:一些非专业性的课我觉得很有必要,比如批判性思维、学术写作等。

  • 理由 1 描述:我只是听别人说这些技能很重要,可是自己不精通。我需要指导。

  • 理由 2 架构:我先都试试才能知道自己的兴趣。

  • 理由 2 描述:比如说,我要是喜欢设计,可要是发觉自己数学不行,艺术造诣也不够,那我就选更适合自己的,比如市场营销。


跟着 iLC托福小助手 一起备战托福口语吧!

B 语言表达



  • To talk about xxxx 是口语表达中比较有代表性的无用信息,修改时请直接说自己的观点。

  • 观点:先什么课都上上,过了第一年再选。

  • 英文初稿:To talk about this topic, I would like say want to go class first and decided my major one year after.

  • 英文修改:I like to learn general courses for a year and decide my major later.


  • First of all For example 这类废话去掉,为内容留出空间。

  • 理由 1:一些非专业性的课我觉得很有必要,比如批判性思维、学术写作等。

  • 英文初稿:First of all, I fancy some not profession lessons important to me.

  • 英文修改:I think that general knowledge such as critical thinking and academic writing are crucial.

  • 理由 1 描述:我只是听别人说这些技能很重要,可是自己不精通。我需要指导。

  • 英文初稿:For example, critical thinking or academic writing. I hear my friends talking this lessons but I not good at it. I want somebody to teach me.

  • 英文修改:But they are easy to ignore. I cannot grow good at them, even though I have heard a lot about their value


  • 想当然的翻译会造成语言表达不地道的问题,假如我们不知道如何表达,张嘴问、动手上网查找,永远比闭门造车强。

  • 理由 2:我先都试试才能知道自己的兴趣和长项。

  • 英文初稿: What's more, I’d like try to know my interest first.

  • 英文修改:Also, I like to explore what I like and find out what I am really good at in this one-year relaxation time.

  • 理由 2 描述:比如说,我要是喜欢设计,可要是发觉自己数学不行,艺术造诣也不够,那我就选更适合自己的,比如市场营销。

  • 英文初稿:For instance, I am fond of painting but no good at math,my art is also poor. I will tell myself a more comfortable major like market sales.

  • 英文修改:Say I am interested in designing but if I couldn’t do well in maths or art classes, maybe I would choose to major in marketing


I like to learn general courses for a year and decide my major later. I think that general knowledge such as critical thinking and academic writing are crucial. But they are easy to ignore. I cannot grow good at them, even though I have heard a lot about their value. Also, I like to explore what I like and find out what I am really good at in this one-year relaxation time. Say I am interested in designing but if I couldn’t do well in maths or art classes, maybe I would choose to major in marketing.



I personally prefer to learn general courses for, like, a year and then decide my major.

I always believe that general knowledge such as how to think critically and write or talk academically are crucial but easy to ignore in our lives. I even cannot master them myself though I have heard a lot about the value of these skills. I probably need guidances on how to do them.

Also, I enjoy balancing what I like and what I really am good at in this one-year buffer period. Say I am interested in designing, but if I couldn’t do well in maths or art classes, maybe I would choose to major in marketing. I like to go easy on myself anyway.






以上就是iLC 托福小助手提供同學在日常托福口语备考中,语料准备的四步法。希望对大家备考有帮助!若根据这些做题技巧进行充分练习后,仍然还有一些疑虑或是其他困境,欢迎谘询iLC Boston 学习中心。iLC Boston致力于帮助学生进行海外求学规划,除了有专业的谘询团队之外,更有许多哈佛名师提供考试教材以及考试教学,欢迎有兴趣的同学关注iLC Boston 相关平台,我们会即时更新美国升学以及相关语言考试资讯!


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